Overview Page News

The “Overview Page News” content type is used to create current pages (news overview pages). In contrast to the “Overview Page” content type, the content here is usually displayed across the entire page width. However, it is also possible to define a sidebar/right column, which adjusts the page layout.

“Content” tab

In addition to the title and language, the desired content can be added here under Paragraphs:

  • Text and Media Block: A normal content block with a title, image and text. More information can be found in the instructions.
  • Teaser View: Teaser view of the desired content. See explanation below
Multiple paragraphs can be added to structure the page according to specific needs
Teaser view

Various options can be set for the teaser view:

  • Teaser Display : Here you can choose between the value Big = 1/2 page and Small = 1/4 page
  • Page Type, Editorial Tag and Topic: These selection options can be used to filter the content to be displayed
  • Offset: This value defines the start entry from which the teasers are displayed. Where 0 = first entry.
This setting is used in particular when multiple teaser views are to be displayed with the same filter (but not immediately one after the other).
  • Number of items to display: The number of entries to be displayed in this teaser view
  • Load more: This allows you to insert a button to load additional content
The order of the pages/teasers displayed is regulated by the publish date, which can be set in the meta data of the corresponding page.

The following paragraphs can optionally be added in this area:

Meta data

No changes can be made here other than the language selection.

Example of an “Overview Page News” without a right column

Example of an “Overview Page News” with a right column

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