Link list

A wide variety of links (to external pages, documents and other pages within the page structure) can be created in the link list:

The content module “Link list” can be inserted both in the sidebar and in the content paragraphs

A title (“Title” field) can be set optionally.

In the “Links” section it is possible to link to external pages (pages that are not within your own page structure).

A URL starting with https:// or http:// must always be specified in the “URL” field. Alternatively, you can also search for a page within the page structure here.

A display text for the link can be specified in the “Link text” field.

(light box)
If there are several entries, the order can be changed using the six dots to the left of the entries

In the “Documents” section, documents from the media database can be offered as links. The order can be changed here via drag & drop.


In the “References” section, links can be built to pages within your own page structure:

The selection her can be done by entering the page title in the search field

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