Basic page (Tab Sidebar Paragraphs)

Most often, the “basic page” content type is used to create a page. The “basic page” is divided into four tabs:

  • Teaser: Settings are made here for displaying this page on another page as a teaser (e.g. with the element “This might also interest you”)
  • Content: The main content of the page is recorded here
  • Sidebar Paragraphs: The content for the right column is defined here
  • Meta-Data: The meta data of the page

The contents of the right column can be defined in the Sidebar Paragraphs tab. There are two different options here:

  • Use the “Add Paragraph” button to add a new content module from the selection for the sidebar. The following blocks can be selected for this
    • Link list
    • Open/close module (FAQ)
    • Text block / Referenced form
    • Video teaser
    • Listing of referenced content
    • Custom teaser module
    • Teaser view of a referenced page
    • Contact box
    • Logo box
    • PDF teaser
  • Use the “Global Teaser reference” selection to select one or more created teaser texts. If several outline texts should be selected, this can be done with the shift key.

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