All Categories > 1CMS > Webforms
Create new form. A new web form can be created under Structure -> Webforms -> Forms using the “Add webform” button. Tip: If a similar form already exists, it can be cloned and the clone can be edited…
Updated 1 year ago by Daniel Gerster
All existing web forms are listed under Structure -> Webforms -> Forms. The selected form can be edited under the Operations column. The following options are available for this: View: View of the cr…
Conditions can be inserted for each form field (under the “Build” tab) as to when this field should be displayed. A good example of this is the SRK Aargau contact form (…
In the “Emails/Handlers” tab under “Settings” all settings for the emails sent by the form can be made: There is an entry in the list for each mailing. If sending is disabled (Status column), no emai…
The individual fields that should appear in the form can be defined under the “Build” tab (e.g.: a text field for entering a name or an email field for entering an email address or a date field for e…
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