Form fields (Build)

The individual fields that should appear in the form can be defined under the “Build” tab (e.g.: a text field for entering a name or an email field for entering an email address or a date field for entering a date of birth, etc.).

To create a new field, the red button + Add Element must be selected:

A window then opens with the possible field types:

As soon as the field type (see below) has been selected, a window opens on the right where all further information (title of the field, required field, dependencies/conditions) can be set:

A new field is only added with «Save» (at the bottom of the right column).

Field types

The following important field types (other field types are enabled, but are rarely if ever used) are available:

Text field

A simple text field. Often used for short text information (e.g. last name, first name, company, street, city, etc.)

Text area

A larger text area (typically 3 lines high at the beginning. Often used for longer text information (message, feedback, etc.)


A text field for entering an email address (results in an error if not in the format example@test.domain)


A single checkbox that can be activated or deactivated (e.g. for accepting the terms and conditions)


A checkbox list with multiple choices


A radio button list where only one value can be selected


A drop-down list with a selection options


A date field. Often used for a birthdate


For grouping fields. The element can be expanded/collapsed.

The * is inserted automatically if the “Required” button has been activated under “Form validation” (it is a mandatory field).
It is also possible to design forms with multiple pages. If the forms become more complex, please contact the SRC Digital solutions team .

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