Action Request

With an action request, a section of text/a call-to-action element can be highlighted in color:

The following fields can be edited in the backend (displayed according to the screenshot above):

  • Title: Black Title
  • Text above (Text oben): Text below the title

Method of action (Handlungsmethode):

  • Webform: Search/selection field for a previously created form
  • Webform Action Button Text: The label that opens the form when you click on it
  • Link
    • URL: The URL that opens when you click on the link. Here you can either search for an internal page or specify an external page (e.g.
    • Link text: Button text that is displayed to get to the link.
Only either a web form or a link should be used, as both methods create one button each

Phone (Telefon):

  • Telephone times (Telefonzeiten): Text above the telephone number
  • Telephone number (Telefonnummer): The telephone number

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