Questions & Answers

What is the global digital fundraising solution?

A preferred provider has been selected to work with the IFRC in developing a global digital fundraising solution that National Societies can ‘opt-into’. It is a long-term solution for the Movement, which will replace the previous solution.

How was the solution selected?

The Virtual Fundraising Hub (an initiative of National Societies, the IFRC and the ICRC) led the identification of a solution in 2018, and throughout 2019, a process of needs identification, selection and shortlisting of available suppliers was carried out. At the end of 2019, IFRC agreed to lead formal procurement of the solution with the support of the technical digital fundraising working group of the Hub. A preferred provider has been selected, and the process of contracting and agreeing terms of conditions is in progress but not yet finalised.

Why is IFRC procuring the solution?

The IFRC is procuring a global Framework Agreement, under which National Societies can ‘opt-in’. The IFRC will aim to agree a contract that is of best value to National Societies and ensure ease of roll-out. The IFRC is procuring the solution on behalf of the Virtual Fundraising Hub, an initiative of National Societies, IFRC and ICRC, and is gratefully receiving support from the digital fundraising technical working group of the Hub which led the initial shortlisting process.

What is the benefit for National Societies – why should we sign up?

National Societies will be able to use the solution to raise funds online from individuals and corporates in their own markets. They will also be able to take part in global and local corporate employee giving campaigns. In the future this solution will provide opportunities for Movement wide global campaigns to ensure we are leveraging the power of our brand globally.

What is the cost of the solution for National Societies? Are there recurring fees?

There is a One-off set up cost of approximately USD 1’100.- for every National Society. The Donation Fee consists of 1.75% commission + payment service provider transaction fee ).

How do we sign up our National Society?

National Societies have to possibility to become part of the Global Framework Agreement between the IFRC and iRaiser by signing the Supplementary Agreement (Annex Nr. 8), which will have to be signed by the NS, the IFRC and iRaiser. The signature process is coordinated by the Hub.

We already have a digital fundraising solution, why do we need another?

If your National Society already has a solution that works for you, and gives you value for money, then of course you may decide not to opt into this global solution.

This new solution may offer you additional benefits, in particular the ability to participate in employee giving campaigns with corporate partners on an individual and/or corporate level. Opting in to the platform will also enable your National Society to participate in any future global Movement campaigns.

What is the timeline for opting into the solution?

You can opt in at any point and we encourage you to contact as soon as possible to express interest so we can ensure access to the solution as quickly as possible. The speed of the onboarding will depend on your market’s regulations and your National Society’s technical requirements – more details can be provided.

If my National Society does not sign up, does this mean we cannot access funds raised by others in our country?

The Principles of Cooperation (an agreement between National Societies and the IFRC secretariat) do not currently allow for National Societies to solicit funds from outside of their own markets, however donor intent must be honoured.

Can we check if the solution meets our National Society requirements before onboarding the tool? How can we get the info to check it meets our requirements?

Yes, as a first step you can access all information as well as the legal framework, including RfP functional requirements, on GoogleDrive. In addition, a test environment can be made available for those National Societies who wish to test the tool before opting in.

Is this solution suitable for National Societies who have not done online donations in the past?

Yes. Support will be available to assist with on boarding as needed.

Do you have checklist in advance to opt into the solution?

An overview on the onboarding process can be found here. A first Feasibility Check can be done through this GoogleForms. You will then be contacted by the Hub and provided with a technical onboarding process.

How do you modify the content, do you have to request this of an administrator elsewhere?

The solution offers customization of the platform, including content, so that National Societies can modify the content of their pages themselves. To make the most of the platform it is recommended that National Societies commit some staff resource to manage the platform. Some onboarding and training support will be available. Some customization may incur additional cost.

If someone donates to the Costa Rican Red Cross’ solution, but the donor is in Germany, for example, who receives those funds?

The Costa Rican Red Cross. However the donor would need to have specifically chosen to give to that National Society via their website so the donor intent would be clear, as per the Principles of Cooperation (1.c “In keeping with the principles territorial integrity, neither National Societies nor the IFRC secretariat will solicit funds in a country without the prior consent of the National Society of that country but at the same time keeping with the guiding principle of the FWRMS to take donor interests into account.”)

Can you get a receipt of payment or invoice from the donor?

The payment confirmation will come through your selected payment provider.

In an emergency situation, could all countries mobilize on the solution to raise funds for the National Society suffering the disaster?

In theory, yes, but it would need to be clear to the donor. A global emergency appeal may be more suitable in this situation and this is a longer term objective of the solution which is not currently available for the Movement. When this does become available the Virtual Fundraising hub will work with the Movement to define how this will be coordinated.

The funds collected arrive directly into the bank accounts of each National Society? Does IFRC act as an intermediary?

The funds are sent directly to the recipient component directly, so the IFRC does not act as an intermediary.

How does this solution relate to block chain?

Currently this solution will only provide National Societies with the option to raise funds online within existing financial regulation and will not handle funds via block chain or cryptocurrencies.

Can we use the solution for peer-to-peer fundraising?

Individuals will not be able to set up their own pages in the style of, for example, JustGiving. The solution does not provide peer-to-peer functionality.

Will the solution support regular giving? Monthly, quarterly, annually?


We do not have a payment provider. How do we proceed?

There are suggested payment providers for each market. We can advise what would be available in your market.

Can we use the platform for crowdfunding?

No, this functionality is not available.

How will the income transfer to National Societies work?

Funds from donors will be received directly via your payment service provider. If you do not have a payment service provider, you will need to select one, and the preferred vendor will be able to suggest options for you.

Will the solution support local currencies like Belarusian Rubles, Georgian Lari and Armenian Drums?

The solution’s online fundraising tools are able to process 135 currencies, 18 languages, and multiple local & international payment methods. If you are interested in opting in to the solution we will review these details on a case-by-case basis to make sure it is suitable for your National Society’s needs.

Is it possible to set up a template that can be launched immediately (two days may not be quick enough to set up a page in case of a major emergency)?

Yes, once an agreement with the provider is approved, the provider will recommend that all those opting into the solution have in place a template that can be launched at short notice.

Can we turn off tax deduction for campaigns towards overseas aid (Singapore)?


Would we be able to customize thank you emails after a donor has donated?


Can the solution be linked with the National Society database or CRM system?

Yes under information security condition using API.

Does the solution include data reports with details like segments, donation, frequencies, expired cards for recurrent payments, etc.?


How would the solution deal with hacking trials, would the solution deal with that directly, or would it be communicated with the National Society to deal with it?

The solution vendor would deal with security issues such as attempted hacking directly.

We would be interested to use third digital hub/solution for collection of Zakat under Islamic Social Financing for Pakistan Red Crescent – would this be possible?

Yes, this would need further discussion of specific requirements. Please contact us to express your interest and we can discuss specific requirements together with the provider.

Can you personalize the solution for donors, for example to include my National Society’s emblem, and our own images?


Does the solution provide data, and the status of the donor?

Yes (reporting and dashboard)

Can you access reports, and how do you manage the accounts?

Yes – Reports are available.

Can you link the solution to the websites of each National Society?


Who develops the messaging for the platform in each country and how customisable is the platform?

Messaging on the platform for each National Society will be customisable by that National Society, so that messages can be aligned with the National Society’s other channels. It is the National Society’s responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of the text and maintaining their pages.

What should I do if my National Society wants to opt in?

Please follow the steps of the iRaiser Onboarding Process

Contact as soon as possible to express your interest.

What level of resource is needed at my National Society to manage the solution?

You will need to participate in onboarding training. Ongoing management of reporting and ensuring campaign messaging and donor engagement will also be required.

What level/kind of support is available from the Movement in order to onboard and manage the solution, training in the use of the platform and ongoing technical support?

Some support will be available and we will discuss this with you when you reach out to us. While there will be longer support if needed, it will be the responsibility of National Societies to manage their platform pages as well as their own digital fundraising overall.

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