
After logging into the backend, a bar appears at the top that displays the menu for managing the website.

Depending on the permissions, more or fewer menu items are displayed here. Since we are logged in with administrator permissions in the screenshots, more menu items are visible there than is the case with you.

We mainly use the “Content” menu item to manage the various content pages and media files and the “Structure” menu item to manage the forms (webforms) and menus. We will go into the individual areas of the backend in the corresponding articles.

In addition to the general administration menu at the top of the screen, various setting options also appear on the individual pages when you are logged in:

View: View of the selected page

Edit: Edit page content

Unpublish: Set the selected page to “unpublished” and thus hide it from users who are not logged in

Delete: Delete the selected page

Revisions: Overview of the page's change history

Clone : Creates a duplicate of this page

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