Content guidelines

Let's get started

You're in the field or an emergency is happening in the country - what now?

Social Media

In the beginning of an emergency, we focus on social media content.

This is how you can support us:


If you can, we are grateful for pictures that show

  • the situation - maybe this means destroyed houses, flooding, dry areas
  • people getting help by Red Cross - always respecting their dignity
  • Red Cross helping


Even better are some videos. They showcase the situation even better and help people understand the needs

  • Short scenes of surroundings - where are you?
  • Testimonials of beneficiaries
    • How were they affected?
    • How was the Red Cross helped them?
    • What do they need?
  • Selfie-Video (or filmed by a colleague) where you, the expert, explain the situation and what is needed right now
  • Scenes of volunteers helping

A voice recording where you explain the situation and how Red Cross is helping can be very effective. Plus it is very easy to make: Just send a voice message on WhatsApp.

Do's and Don'ts



  • Short and simple sentences! How would you explain your work to someone that has never heard of it?
  • Explain the scope of the emergency, what the needs are and how Red Cross is helping
  • Emotional insights - what's it like for you to be there? Any stories or anecdotes that you'd like to share?
  • Show the positive impact of our work
  • Technical, complicated language
  • Hurting the principles of the Red Cross - stay neutral, impartial at all times
  • Taking pictures of people that are suffering, are in dire situations
  • Negative remarks about the host country and/or partner organizations

News articles

Later on, we are looking for updates and statements from the field so we can communicate about our impact in a crisis for our donors.

  • Quotes
  • Statements
  • Facts and figures

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