Main navigation

There are 3 types of menus available in the system:

  1. Main navigation
  2. Top menu
  3. Footer menu

The main navigation is located in the header area of the website and structures the primary content of the website. The top 3 levels ("Ebene 1", "Ebene 2" and "Ebene 3") of the navigation structure are displayed in the main navigation.

(light box)

Due to the visual requirements, a maximum of 4 topics should be displayed on level 2.

Alternative vertical menu

If more than 4 topics are displayed, you can switch to the alternative vertical menu:

To switch on the alternative menu, the desired menu item (in the example here “Das Kursangebot”) can be edited and the value “simple-menu” can be entered under Attributes -> Container class :

The alternative menu must be switched on for each level 1 menu item. If problems arise with the alternative menu or authorizations to enter it are missing, the SRC Digital Solutions team can be contacted.

It is also possible to integrate a menu button. This is particularly useful for highlighting a topic (e.g. the course overview):

(light box)
The menu button can be activated through the SRC Digital Solutions team.

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